refractory tap hole clay for blast furnace

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ShengIron Refractories Co.,Ltd. – blast furnace iron

ShengIron Refractories produce quality tap hole clay, mudgun mass for iron making with blast furnace.We provide comprehensive solutions for casthouse & blast furnace.

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Refractory Taphole Clay for Blast Furnace(id:6035792

Refractory Taphole Clay for Blast Furnace(id:6035792), View quality Refractory Taphole Clay, waterless Taphole Clay, gun clay mud details from Gongyi Xingyu Refractory Materials Co., LTD storefront on Buy best Refractory Taphole Clay for Blast Furnace …

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Tap Hole – BEKA Refractories

The Blast Furnace top-hole is a uniquely difficult environment for the refractoriness and the mechanical equipment used. A blast Furnace campaign may be twenty years with no repair of the hearth walls and tap hole (replacement of the tap hole branch refractories excluded). The tap hole clay must consistently and safely perform the following:

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Anhydrous Tap Hole Clay – refractory material for iron making

Blast furnace output, tap hole length, mud gun pressure, all these factors and more play decisive roles when it comes to finding the ideal tap hole clay. The quality has a bearing on the number and length of the taps and thus on the performance of the furnace. Beck u.

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Also, it protects the tapping area of blast furnace as is particularly stressed by the intense tapping flow by forming a mushroom shaped block. Our tap hole clay is designed based on the parameters and working conditions at each blast furnace, which meets the demands of severer conditions as the furnace grow bigger.

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BLAST FURNACE TROUGH MATERIALS AND TAP HOLE CLAY MATERIALS Blast Furnace Trough Materials (Trough Mix) The flow rate of molten metal and slag through the trough system increase many times in case of larger blast furnaces. To get good campaign life special attention must be given to both